The Inspection Report

The day after the inspection you'll receive the report, which is in a link sent via email and can be saved or printed as you wish. The report has a summary with big ticket items and any safety concerns the inspector may deem a priority. The body of the report will have other important information about the house with LOTS of pictures.

Be sure to read the whole report.

Below is a sample page of a report. Note the quick links to extra information, and tabs to navigate through the report quickly.

Also, for your convenience, at the beginning and end of the report there are links to repair cost estimates. This helps take some of the guesswork out of the inspection response.

The Action List

The email which contains the report will also have "The Action List".

This answers the next big question:

What to do about the findings in the report?

Here's a quick video that explains how it works.

After the report is out of our hands we don't forget about you.

Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

We're here to serve you.

These are typical events around the inspection process, Actual experiences may vary,